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DoS With Block Gas Limit


CWE-400: Uncontrolled Resource Consumption


When smart contracts are deployed or functions inside them are called, the execution of these actions always requires a certain amount of gas, based of how much computation is needed to complete them. The Ethereum network specifies a block gas limit and the sum of all transactions included in a block can not exceed the threshold.

Programming patterns that are harmless in centralized applications can lead to Denial of Service conditions in smart contracts when the cost of executing a function exceeds the block gas limit. Modifying an array of unknown size, that increases in size over time, can lead to such a Denial of Service condition.


Caution is advised when you expect to have large arrays that grow over time. Actions that require looping across the entire data structure should be avoided.

If you absolutely must loop over an array of unknown size, then you should plan for it to potentially take multiple blocks, and therefore require multiple transactions.




pragma solidity ^0.4.25;

contract DosGas {

    address[] creditorAddresses;
    bool win = false;

    function emptyCreditors() public {
        if(creditorAddresses.length>1500) {
            creditorAddresses = new address[](0);
            win = true;

    function addCreditors() public returns (bool) {
        for(uint i=0;i<350;i++) {
        return true;

    function iWin() public view returns (bool) {
        return win;

    function numberCreditors() public view returns (uint) {
        return creditorAddresses.length;


pragma solidity ^0.4.25;

contract DosNumber {

    uint numElements = 0;
    uint[] array;

    function insertNnumbers(uint value,uint numbers) public {

        // Gas DOS if number > 382 more or less, it depends on actual gas limit
        for(uint i=0;i<numbers;i++) {
            if(numElements == array.length) {
                array.length += 1;
            array[numElements++] = value;

    function clear() public {
        numElements = 0;

    // Gas DOS clear
    function clearDOS() public {

        // number depends on actual gas limit
        array = new uint[](0);
        numElements = 0;

    function getLengthArray() public view returns(uint) {
        return numElements;

    function getRealLengthArray() public view returns(uint) {
        return array.length;


pragma solidity ^0.4.25;

contract DosOneFunc {

    address[] listAddresses;

    function ifillArray() public returns (bool){
        if(listAddresses.length<1500) {

            for(uint i=0;i<350;i++) {
            return true;

        } else {
            listAddresses = new address[](0);
            return false;