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Insufficient Gas Griefing


CWE-691: Insufficient Control Flow Management


Insufficient gas griefing attacks can be performed on contracts which accept data and use it in a sub-call on another contract. If the sub-call fails, either the whole transaction is reverted, or execution is continued. In the case of a relayer contract, the user who executes the transaction, the 'forwarder', can effectively censor transactions by using just enough gas to execute the transaction, but not enough for the sub-call to succeed.


There are two options to prevent insufficient gas griefing:

  • Only allow trusted users to relay transactions.
  • Require that the forwarder provides enough gas.




 * @source:
 * @author: ConsenSys Diligence
 * Modified by Kaden Zipfel

pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

contract Relayer {
    uint transactionId;

    struct Tx {
        bytes data;
        bool executed;

    mapping (uint => Tx) transactions;

    function relay(Target target, bytes memory _data) public returns(bool) {
        // replay protection; do not call the same transaction twice
        require(transactions[transactionId].executed == false, 'same transaction twice');
        transactions[transactionId].data = _data;
        transactions[transactionId].executed = true;
        transactionId += 1;

        (bool success, ) = address(target).call(abi.encodeWithSignature("execute(bytes)", _data));
        return success;

// Contract called by Relayer
contract Target {
    function execute(bytes memory _data) public {
        // Execute contract code


 * @source:
 * @author: ConsenSys Diligence
 * Modified by Kaden Zipfel

pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

contract Relayer {
    uint transactionId;

    struct Tx {
        bytes data;
        bool executed;

    mapping (uint => Tx) transactions;

    function relay(Target target, bytes memory _data, uint _gasLimit) public {
        // replay protection; do not call the same transaction twice
        require(transactions[transactionId].executed == false, 'same transaction twice');
        transactions[transactionId].data = _data;
        transactions[transactionId].executed = true;
        transactionId += 1;

        address(target).call(abi.encodeWithSignature("execute(bytes)", _data, _gasLimit));

// Contract called by Relayer
contract Target {
    function execute(bytes memory _data, uint _gasLimit) public {
        require(gasleft() >= _gasLimit, 'not enough gas');
        // Execute contract code