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Please note, this content is no longer actively maintained.

The content of the SWC registry has not been thoroughly updated since 2020. It is known to be incomplete and may contain errors as well as crucial omissions.

For currently maintained guidance on known Smart Contract vulnerabilities written primarily as guidance for security reviewers, please see the EEA EthTrust Security Levels specification. As well as the latest release version, an Editor's draft is available, that represents the latest work of the group developing the specification.

General guidance for developers on what to consider to ensure security, that is currently maintained, is also available through the Smart Contract Security Verification Standard (SCSVS).


Insufficient Gas Griefing



Insufficient gas griefing attacks can be performed on contracts which accept data and use it in a sub-call on another contract. If the sub-call fails, either the whole transaction is reverted, or execution is continued. In the case of a relayer contract, the user who executes the transaction, the 'forwarder', can effectively censor transactions by using just enough gas to execute the transaction, but not enough for the sub-call to succeed.


There are two options to prevent insufficient gas griefing:

  • Only allow trusted users to relay transactions.
  • Require that the forwarder provides enough gas.




 * @source:
 * @author: ConsenSys Diligence
 * Modified by Kaden Zipfel

pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

contract Relayer {
    uint transactionId;

    struct Tx {
        bytes data;
        bool executed;

    mapping (uint => Tx) transactions;

    function relay(Target target, bytes memory _data) public returns(bool) {
        // replay protection; do not call the same transaction twice
        require(transactions[transactionId].executed == false, 'same transaction twice');
        transactions[transactionId].data = _data;
        transactions[transactionId].executed = true;
        transactionId += 1;

        (bool success, ) = address(target).call(abi.encodeWithSignature("execute(bytes)", _data));
        return success;

// Contract called by Relayer
contract Target {
    function execute(bytes memory _data) public {
        // Execute contract code


 * @source:
 * @author: ConsenSys Diligence
 * Modified by Kaden Zipfel

pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

contract Relayer {
    uint transactionId;

    struct Tx {
        bytes data;
        bool executed;

    mapping (uint => Tx) transactions;

    function relay(Target target, bytes memory _data, uint _gasLimit) public {
        // replay protection; do not call the same transaction twice
        require(transactions[transactionId].executed == false, 'same transaction twice');
        transactions[transactionId].data = _data;
        transactions[transactionId].executed = true;
        transactionId += 1;

        address(target).call(abi.encodeWithSignature("execute(bytes)", _data, _gasLimit));

// Contract called by Relayer
contract Target {
    function execute(bytes memory _data, uint _gasLimit) public {
        require(gasleft() >= _gasLimit, 'not enough gas');
        // Execute contract code