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Please note, this content is no longer actively maintained.

The content of the SWC registry has not been thoroughly updated since 2020. It is known to be incomplete and may contain errors as well as crucial omissions.

For currently maintained guidance on known Smart Contract vulnerabilities written primarily as guidance for security reviewers, please see the EEA EthTrust Security Levels specification. As well as the latest release version, an Editor's draft is available, that represents the latest work of the group developing the specification.

General guidance for developers on what to consider to ensure security, that is currently maintained, is also available through the Smart Contract Security Verification Standard (SCSVS).


Uninitialized Storage Pointer


CWE-824: Access of Uninitialized Pointer


Uninitialized local storage variables can point to unexpected storage locations in the contract, which can lead to intentional or unintentional vulnerabilities.


Check if the contract requires a storage object as in many situations this is actually not the case. If a local variable is sufficient, mark the storage location of the variable explicitly with the memory attribute. If a storage variable is needed then initialise it upon declaration and additionally specify the storage location storage.

Note: As of compiler version 0.5.0 and higher this issue has been systematically resolved as contracts with uninitialised storage pointers do no longer compile.




 * @source:
pragma solidity ^0.4.19;

// CryptoRoulette
// Guess the number secretly stored in the blockchain and win the whole contract balance!
// A new number is randomly chosen after each try.
// To play, call the play() method with the guessed number (1-20).  Bet price: 0.1 ether

contract CryptoRoulette {

    uint256 private secretNumber;
    uint256 public lastPlayed;
    uint256 public betPrice = 0.1 ether;
    address public ownerAddr;

    struct Game {
        address player;
        uint256 number;
    Game[] public gamesPlayed;

    function CryptoRoulette() public {
        ownerAddr = msg.sender;

    function shuffle() internal {
        // randomly set secretNumber with a value between 1 and 20
        secretNumber = uint8(sha3(now, block.blockhash(block.number-1))) % 20 + 1;

    function play(uint256 number) payable public {
        require(msg.value >= betPrice && number <= 10);

        Game game;
        game.player = msg.sender;
        game.number = number;

        if (number == secretNumber) {
            // win!

        lastPlayed = now;

    function kill() public {
        if (msg.sender == ownerAddr && now > lastPlayed + 1 days) {

    function() public payable { }


 * @source:
pragma solidity ^0.4.19;

// CryptoRoulette
// Guess the number secretly stored in the blockchain and win the whole contract balance!
// A new number is randomly chosen after each try.
// To play, call the play() method with the guessed number (1-20).  Bet price: 0.1 ether

contract CryptoRoulette {

    uint256 private secretNumber;
    uint256 public lastPlayed;
    uint256 public betPrice = 0.1 ether;
    address public ownerAddr;

    struct Game {
        address player;
        uint256 number;
    Game[] public gamesPlayed;

    function CryptoRoulette() public {
        ownerAddr = msg.sender;

    function shuffle() internal {
        // randomly set secretNumber with a value between 1 and 20
        secretNumber = uint8(sha3(now, block.blockhash(block.number-1))) % 20 + 1;

    function play(uint256 number) payable public {
        require(msg.value >= betPrice && number <= 10);

        Game memory game;
        game.player = msg.sender;
        game.number = number;

        if (number == secretNumber) {
            // win!

        lastPlayed = now;

    function kill() public {
        if (msg.sender == ownerAddr && now > lastPlayed + 1 days) {

    function() public payable { }